Gifts to School of Law contribute to...
Support the University of Dayton School of Law
Support for the School of Law Dean’s Fund for Excellence during One Day, One Dayton 2024 will go toward initiatives such as assisting students as they study for the bar exam, our hybrid online J.D. program, and scholarship aid for students who could not attend law school but for the donor-supported affordability available through our Leadership Honors Program.
Stories of Impact:
Fulfilling a Childhood Dream
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View All DonorsMost Recent Donors

Ashley Jayeon Jung

Amira Fitzpatrick

AJ Mahoney

Anne Lynn Spicer

Amy E Bailey & Neil Bailey

Adam Todd



Arabella Loera

Kristen L Arquilla
Bill Stankey '80
Gave $250,000 during a Challenge!
Larry ’76 and Rosemari Woerner
Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!
Anonymous '71 and Anonymous
Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!
Denise '77 and Greg '78 Palmer
Gave $75,000 during a Challenge!
Anonymous '68 and Anonymous '68
Offered a $75,000 match
The School of Business Advisory Council
Gave $70,000 during a Challenge!
Ursula '74 and Steve '74 Post
Offered a $50,000 match
David '66 and Mary Sue Goetz
Gave $50,000 during a Challenge!
Anonymous and Anonymous
Offered a $50,000 match
The School of Engineering Advisory Council
Gave $45,874 during a Challenge!