The Project: UD EMS is using Flyer Funder to raise money for the current officer group to attend the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation Conference (NCEMSF) in Boston in February 2023, as well as for important training equipment. UD EMS provides completely free basic life support and transportation to local hospitals for any person on UD's campus.
Who We Are: University of Dayton Emergency Medical Services is a completely student-run and volunteer organization on the University of Dayton campus and has been in service since 1992. UD EMS operates 24/7 throughout the academic year and provides transportation/pre-hospital care for all patients experiencing medical and trauma emergencies here on campus. We are composed of 60 nationally and locally certified EMT-Bs who are undergraduate students at the University of Dayton. Our new members complete rigorous training during the fall semester before certifying through the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians and all members complete continuous education and training throughout the year. UD EMS prides itself on the continuous mentorship process that second, third, and fourth year members provide to the new and current members.
We are funded by UD Public Safety which provides a scholarship opportunity for the select members who are offered a position. Our members are dedicated to serving the University of Dayton community and are consistently grateful for the opportunity to contribute to our community in such a unique way, especially as college students. As a nationally recognized organization and part of the National Collegiate EMS Foundation, UD EMS holds itself and its members to the highest of standards and looks forward to finding more ways to grow and serve the community.
The Impact: The National Collegiate EMS Foundation Conference is a phenomenal opportunity for members of UD EMS to share ideas and experiences with other collegiate EMS organizations. Furthermore, at the NCEMSF Conference there are a wide variety of workshops that will take a deep dive into a specific topic, which will improve how UD EMS serves our campus and the surrounding community. NCEMSF also has an awards program which recognizes individuals, groups, and activities. We strive to win awards such as the HEARTSafe Campus award which recognizes groups and schools that have improved the safety of their campus through CPR education and outreach. This award, as well as many others, will help spread our motto of “students helping students” to more than the University of Dayton community.
What Your Gifts Will Do: The money contributed to this fundraiser will allow members of UD EMS to attend the National Collegiate EMS Foundation Conference, which is being held in Boston, Massachusetts in February 2023. The money raised will be used to fund the transportation of members to the conference, as well as fund our accommodations in Boston. Additionally, all funds raised beyond those required to attend the NCEMSF Conference will be used to fund equipment and other operational upgrades to help ensure we can provide the highest quality of care to the University of Dayton community.
Share this Message: Please help us spread the word and encourage your network to support our campaign!
Thanks for Your Support: By providing even a small donation, you are part of making our campaign go a long way this year. UD EMS is incredibly grateful for your generous support of our commitment to serving the University of Dayton community!
Hello Flyers,
On behalf of the UD Emergency Medical Services squad, I'm pleased to share that they are once again utilizing Flyer Funder, UD's crowdfunding platform, to raise funds for conference attendance and medical equipment.
To view this year's campaign and make a gift in support of these servant leaders, click HERE!
Thank you for your continued support of our students!
Go Flyers!
Emily Baldwin '14
Director of Annual Giving & New Donor Initiatives
Hello Flyer Nation,
I'm excited to share that UD EMS is once again using Flyer Funder, UD's crowdfunding program, to raise funds to support professional development opportunities as well as training and supply needs.
As previous UD EMS crowdfunding supporters, you know the impact your gift of any size has on these student leaders! Check out their new campaign and learn more about their newest officer position on their 2023 campaign page.
Thank you for your ongoing support of UD EMS and our entire campus community!
Emily Baldwin '14
Director of Annual Giving and New Donor Initiatives
University of Dayton
Hi everyone,
Last weekend, all 11 UD EMS officers attended the National Collegiate EMS Conference in Boston!

We attended a variety of lectures where medical, organizational, and leadership topics were covered. We are excited to bring back the information we learned to the UD EMS organization to better serve our campus community!
Additionally, we were once again awarded a “Bronze Level” EMS Ready campus.

We had a great weekend exploring the city of Boston and spending time together.
Thanks again to everyone that donated to this Flyer Funder campaign and made this trip possible!
Go Flyers!
PS: To see more pictures from the conference, please click here.
Want to support UD EMS during One Day, One Dayton, UD's annual day of giving? Between March 1 - April 19, you can click here to make a gift to the UD EMS fund!
710 days ago by Emily BaldwinHello!
Thank you so much for donating to the University of Dayton EMS Flyer Funder campaign! Because of you, our organization was able to surpass our goal of $7,000.
Your gift has given our Officers the opportunity to network with other Collegiate EMS agencies from across the United States and learn of new ways that we can improve our own organization so that we are able to better serve the UD community. Not only that, but your gift is helping fund the purchase of new equipment for all of our members to utilize while on calls.
On behalf of the entire UD EMS organization, thank you for your ongoing support and we hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Haley Rodeffer '23
Hi everyone! I want to start by saying thank you for your all your contributions so far! The gratitude I have for all the donations cannot be understated.
My name is Kate Sebastian, and I am a third year member of UD EMS. I also am privileged to serve as the Public and Alumni Relations Officer for this year. One of the greatest things that UD EMS has given me is the ability to believe in myself, specifically as a leader. Through my position, I was able to raise almost $4,000 for Lesley E. Smith, an alumnus of UD EMS who passed away due to epilepsy. I raised this money through the 16th Lesley E. Smith 5k, an event we put on every year in support of the National Epilepsy Foundation. If you had told me I could accomplish this before my time in UD EMS, I wouldn't have believed you. Now, I know I can directly impact my community, and change the lives of those around me because of UD EMS. I have also been able to plan our National Collegiate EMS Week from November 7-11, communicate with alumni through newsletters, and run our social media platforms.
I love and appreciate this organization so much. Whenever I am on shift, there is always something new to learn or a friendly face that I am excited to see. Being an EMT has benefited me both in my academic career, but also my personal life. Giving back to those in their hardest and most difficult moments is gratifying. Without supporters like you, we would not be able to serve the University of Dayton community.
I ask for your continued support in funding our NCEMSF Conference in February, which will be an amazing opportunity to grow in leadership and represent our organization. As one of the few collegiate volunteer EMS organizations in the state of Ohio, our attendance at this conference is essential. The training and knowledge received at the conference will continue to impact our future members of UD EMS. To all those who have donated so far, thank you so much! Please continue to donate and share this page. Being a part of UD EMS is one of the best decisions I have ever made, and your belief in our organization will impact students like me for years to come!
814 days ago by Kathleen SebastianHello everyone! As you may have seen in our previous updates or through other University of Dayton communication, we are in the midst of one my favorite weeks during the school year: Donor Appreciation Week!
My name is Jill Tore; I am third year member of UD EMS and I have the blessing and pleasure this year to serve as our Assistant Chief of Personnel. Through this position, my primary responsibilities include the administrative upkeep of UD EMS, facilitating disciplinary processes, and conducting the annual recruitment process.
Nearly three years in one place gives you the time to reflect on all of the opportunities and positive experiences that you have gained during that time. One of those experiences that has stuck with me and will continue to serve as a reminder of my appreciation took place last year. I was able to serve as our Personnel Officer in the previous year and I was given the opportunity to travel to Pittsburgh with the rest of our officer group to the NCEMSF Conference in February. This trip was single-handedly funded by a generous donor that believed in the mission and passion of UD EMS and would not have been made possible without him. My passion and love for UD EMS and the work we get to do here on campus was expanded during this trip and I believe I can serve as s testament to how truly impactful these donor-funded opportunities are.
Donors like you are one of the biggest reasons UD EMS is able to do what it is does; myself and the rest of the organization are nothing short of grateful. I want to thank you personally as you have made a difference in my individual life and will continue to make that impact on the future members of UD EMS through your support and donations.
Thank you so much from myself and the other members of UD EMS for your continuous support, belief in our organization, and the opportunities you consistently provide for us as students and EMTs here at UD!
Jill Tore '23
Assistant Chief of Personnel
815 days ago by Jill ToreHi everyone. My name is Anneliese Fisher and I am the advancement officer for UD EMS. As the advancement officer, I am in charge of applying for grants and awards, as well as raising funds, like we are doing right now with Flyer Funder!
I wanted to share what UD EMS means to me. Being a member of UD EMS is extremely important to me. I am so grateful and fortunate that I am able to spend my time serving the community that I love alongside those who I love. Being a member of UD EMS has afforded me so many great friends and countless memories that I will cherish forever.
One of my new favorite memories of UD EMS was this past weekend. The new members had their practical testing. Chills went over my body as our instructor, Jeff, had said that every new member had passed every station on the first time! It was such an amazing experience to celebrate all of our new members and all of the hard work that they had put into their practical testing.
Your donation means so much to me because it will allow the officer group to attend that National Collegiate Foundation EMS Conference where we will be able to learn how to better our organization, and therefore, serve our community. In celebration of each and every one of the new members passing practicals--maybe consider donating in honor of the legacy they have started and we are building together.
I sincerely appreciate your generosity to our organization as it will allow us to better serve our community. All of the members of UD EMS thank you!
Anneliese Fisher '23
Advancement Officer
815 days ago by Anneliese FisherToday, I wanted to share my story about UD EMS, and how being a part of this organization has changed my life. My name is Tom Coury and I am the Equipment and Maintenance Officer, which means I handle anything and everything that has to do with supplies, equipment, and upkeep for everything we own. This means I have had the great opportunity of learning every piece of equipment we could possibly need and how to correctly maintain it. I also have the role of maintaining our ambulance which we lovingly named Amber. One of my favorite parts of the E&M role is always being able to help anyone on shift with any question they may have.
I joined UD EMS last year as a junior, and this organization has absolutely changed my path in life. I am a Mechanical Engineering Technology major and being a part of this organization has made me realize how truly amazing it is to provide care to those that need it in an emergency, and has inspired me to pursue a career in emergency medicine, hopefully as an emergency room doctor.
Your donation means so much to me because it will allow us to attend the National Conference, which is a great opportunity to learn more about other organizations in the Collegiate EMS field as well as learn about new technology in the prehospital field. Additionally, any extra funding we have after attending the NCEMSF conference will go towards new training equipment, as well as upgrading our old equipment. All of our members will be able to benefit from new training equipment by more effectively practicing our skills, which will allow us to better care for those in the UD community.
I sincerely appreciate your generosity to our organization, and cannot thank you enough for investing in our current and future members. All of the members of UD EMS and the University of Dayton community thank you!
-Tom Coury '24
Equipment and Maintenance
816 days ago by Tom CouryThis week is Donor Appreciation Week here at UD! All of UD EMS wants to extend our deepest appreciation and gratitude for your continued support of our organization. Your donation helps the continuity of our commitment to serving the University of Dayton community. Every day this week, one of our officers will be sharing an update as to how your donation personally impacts them! Today I will be sharing my story.
I have the privilege of serving as the Chief for UD EMS this year. It has been an amazing experience that I will forever be grateful for. UD EMS has introduced me to so many amazing people and has given me the opportunity to grow both as an individual and a provider. As Chief, I get to foster this growth in all of our members. I also work closely with our advisors in Public Safety along with our EMS coordinators at Miami Valley Hospital to ensure that UD EMS is operating optimally.
Your donation has a personal impact for me as it will assist in sending myself and the other UD EMS officers to the National Collegiate EMS Conference. Attending this conference is a great way for us to learn new ways to improve our organization and allows us to collaborate with other organizations from across the United States.
I want to extend my greatest thanks for your donation! Your investment in our organization means the world to me as it supports the group that has given me everything during my 4 years here at UD. Thank you!!
Haley Rodeffer '23
818 days ago by Haley RodefferThank you to everyone who has supported us--we have hit our goal! We are all so grateful that we have hit our goal so early in the campaign. That being said, we have updated our goal to be a stretch goal of $7,000. The National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF) Conference takes place in Boston of next year and all of the officers (including myself) are very excited that it is tangible for all of us to attend and learn to better our organization.
Every dollar over and above the funding for conference will go towards various training supplies and equipment. This will allow our members to continue to improve their skills so that we are even more prepared to serve our community.
Tomorrow, our 25 new members will undergo their NREMT Practical Testing. We are so excited to be one step closer to having 25 new certified EMT's!
As we wrap up EMS Week, please continue to share our page and share our message with your friends, family, and loved ones. Thank you very much to every one who has already supported us!
Anneliese Fisher '23
Advancement Officer
I just wanted to send a huge thank you to all of our donors so far! We are only one week in and we are already 90% of the way to our goal.
This week is National Collegiate EMS week! This is always a great time for our organization to put on some awesome events for the University of Dayton community and show people who we are and what we do. This year some of the things we are doing includes hosting a hands only CPR training, holding a pie an EMT event, co-hosting a blood drive, holding table hours, giving a tour of our Squad House, and so much more.
We hope that you will help us celebrate EMS week by considering donating to our campaign. By helping us reach our goal, you would be making it possible for our officer group to go to the National Collegiate EMS conference where we might even bring home an award for best EMS week celebrations!
Happy EMS Week! - Haley Rodeffer
824 days ago by Haley RodefferDonors
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